Since 1973, our bus routes have run up and down the streets of Southeast Iowa every Sunday morning, bringing in hundreds of thousands of riders. We have seen thousands of lives changed, and countless families helped.
Our purpose is to share the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a safe and exciting environment to learn life lessons from the Word of God. We understand that many people, especially children, are unable to attend church every Sunday without a Bus ministry. This is why we devote our time, volunteers and resources to this great ministry! In addition to food and a fun program on the bus, we offer Sunday School classes for every age group, with trained teachers who address the specific needs and struggles of their class. Jump on the bus this Sunday!
Once at the church, your kids will attend a children’s Sunday school class where they will be engaged with songs, games, and a Bible lesson. After class, the kids route will take your children home on the bus, walk them to the front door, and drop them off with a parent.